
    Fire protection of buildings

    Design and calculation of smoke and heat extraction systems (RWA)

    Part 1: Large undivided rooms with a one floor level.

    Table of contents:

    • Purpose and scope
    • Definitions and statements
    • Classification of the spaces to be protected
    • Dimensions of a fire
    • Heat output of a firebox
    • Smokefree height
    • Smoke boxes
    • Smoke mass flow
    • Heat convection current
    • Average temperature of the smoke gases
    • Aerodynamic surface of the ventilators and the air supply (natural ventilation)
    • Flow rate of the ventilators and the air supply (mechanical ventilation)
    • Mezzanine
    • Wind influences
    • Snow load and ice formation
    • Buildings where the design destination is unknown
    • Regulations for operation and power supply
    • Delivery
    • Regular inspection
    • Bijlage A : Indeling van de te beveiligen inrichtingen
    • Bijlage B : Calorische waarde van een vuurhaard†
    • Bijlage C : Lijst van keuringsverrichtingen
    • Bijlage D : Bibliografie
    • Gepubliceerd in: 1995
    • Toepassingsgebied: RWA
    • Geldigheid: geldig

    De Belgische norm NBN S21-208-1 laat U enkele keuzemogelijkheden.

    • Verticale ontroking door middel van natuurlijke extractie (rookluiken).
    • Verticale ontroking door middel van mechanische extractie (ventilatoren).

    S.air therefore has the necessary specialists who can assist you with your concept and / or required study.

  • Fire protection in buildings

    Smoke extraction shutters in internal stairwells

    This standard was published in March 2006 and is in fact a clarification of the regulations for smoke extraction in stairwells that are included in the legislation (basic standards).

    The 2003 draft standard has therefore been replaced.

    • Published in: 2006 Scope of application: SHEV
    • Validity: Standard, published in March 2006

    S.air therefore has the necessary specialists who can assist you with your concept and / or required study.

  • Appendix 6 applies to all new industrial buildings and the extension to existing industrial buildings.

    Industrial buildings are here also buildings of SMEs and agricultural and horticultural companies.

    Excluded are the buildings where only commercial activities take place, for which the annexes 2, 3 and 4 apply to the low, medium and high buildings respectively. Annex 6 does not of course apply to uncovered industrial installations.

    Apart from industrial buildings with a low fire load and a total floor area no higher than 10,000 m≤ or with a medium fire load and a total floor area no higher than 500 m≤, all industrial buildings must in principle be equipped with an installation for smoke and heat extraction. An exception can be made if the compartment is equipped with an extinguishing installation with gas, water mist or ESFR sprinklers. The legislator does say that it must be possible to ventilate the room after the fire has been extinguished. This may, however, give rise to the installation of an extraction or ventilation installation. However, the size of this installation is not specified. This is usually between 0.8% and 2%.

    The RWA installations must be designed in accordance with the NBN S21-208-1. (with the exception of art. 18 & 19). Only for compartments that are smaller than 2,000 m≤, the aerodynamic surface of the RWA aerator and the air supply must be at least 2% of the roof surface. A maximum of 70% of the total height may also be stacked. Of course, for buildings smaller than 2,000 m≤, a more accurate calculation may always be made according to the NBN-S-21-208-1. The RWA installations are automatically operated by the sprinkler system alarm valve or by the fire detection center if the compartment is not protected with an automatic extinguishing system. Moreover, they must be able to be operated manually.

    To facilitate intervention by emergency services, the control panels of the active fire protection installations are collected in a central control and operating station.

    S.air therefore has the necessary specialists who can assist you with your concept and / or required study.


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